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I love this bag — it's super sturdy, the yellow color looks so cool, and it's huge! Also so convenient to pop on and off my bike rack. I appreciate the detail wherein you can snap the flappy part over the top as a cover but it's definitely not going to keep out snow/water so that's my only complaint. But I just cover my stuff with some plastic bags and so far so good.
I'm very happy with the Linden bag, more than just a bag that hangs from my bike, it's still a cool bag when your out and about. Made from quality materials, I expect this will last for years to come.
Works perfectly. Exactly the size and storage capacity I was looking for.
I've had this pannier/tote bag for about a month and enjoy how easy it is to go from bike rack to shoulder. It functions well as a tote bag and there is a stiff bottom liner that folds up when the bag is empty, giving it an even slimmer profile. After using The Sac for many years, I appreciate the wider capacity of the Linden and the interior zip pouch is useful for keys & small items. This pouch snaps to the other interior sides to "close" the bag, but it leaves gaps - an improvement would be a bag that fully closes. Happy with this purchase!
I bought one for my fiancé and me. We love the sturdy construction and the simpler beauty of the bag. No one will know it's a rack bag. We also love the snap-able cover and the pockets. This bag is perfect for a grocery run.